Life Beyond Youth Program

Chase your dreams

Life Beyond Youth Program

Our program LBY is focused on. Re-Entry and the LGBTQ Community to assist those returning home and in need of support. (LBY) is a 52 week comprehensive learning mentoring program that provides participants with an assessment to help identify strengths and weaknesses. After participants have completed the first 30 days of Orientation and Introductory classes, they are then matched with a mentor who has the expertise, training and professionalism, time and commitment to meet with their mentee face to face once a month along with a bi-weekly check in. Participants also after being assessed will have the opportunity to work with a case manager who will assist them with additional resources and referrals needed for additional support services.

Our LBY program also provides support and Re-Entry services to those returning home from incarceration and participants with the following workshops that are held on a weekly basis via zoom or in local community safe space areas so that we remain practicing safe space distancing. Our program also provides services telework (via telephone) at this time to assure relationships communication and bonding is not lost through the pandemic.

Our participants will receive our standard services of basic life skills training, job readiness, effective communication and customer service orientation. Participants will increase their knowledge of Self Determination; learn the importance of self-esteem, reading comprehension, and unpacking their emotions and feelings through journaling in our Write Girl Write Workshop.